Metal Heart
Artist: Zoe Pine
Size: 8 x 7.5 cm
Found copper, plaster
Not for sale
About the Artist:
"As a result of studying both fine art and photography at A Levels, I have been able to develop my practice and explore many mediums in art, from video installation to large scale paintings, exploring a range of themes such as femininity and consciousness. However, more recently I have been working 3D, making wall hangings and abstract sculptures, with more emphasis on the exploration of the materials, rather than the concept behind the piece. In ways this has been much more freeing, as pieces have been more enjoyable to make, as opposed to more 2D based work, which although allows me to produce detailed studies, feels restricting. Despite some of my recent pieces not necessarily having a concept / being based on anything, they have a natural sense to them, possibly though the tones used, though also through shape and use of materials."